Friday, July 16, 2010

MIA Blogger

We have been in the process of moving for the last month or so. The kids and I left Joe in Seattle for three weeks to take Step 1 of the med school board exams while we moved into our new place in Boise.
We are finally (mostly) settled, Joe is here, and we are loving it. It feels like real summer here, and it is sunny! I think I made up all my missing vitamin D in the first day.
We have been busy enjoying the season. We have had visitors: various aunts and uncles, and of course Liz to keep us company. We have been going on little hikes, swimming in our new pool, riding bikes and scooters, and staying up way too late. Here are some shots from the 4th of July. We did fireworks at my uncle's house where the kids decided they needed to use a little hearing protection. We seriously had a great time with the fireworks, and it is so fun to have so many friends and relatives here.
Joe is doing his first rotation in Family Medicine and is enjoying finally getting to work with actual patients. And, no homework when he comes home at night! I wish it could be summer all the time!


Shawn AND Chelsey said...

You're in Boise??!? We need to hang before we move to IF!! Give us a call :)

Aly said...

Ah, fun. I bet you are so excited to be back in Idaho! How did Joe do on the boards? We need to catch up. Too many questions for blogger.