Monday, February 15, 2010


It may not be spring according to the calendar, but try and explain that to the blooming flowers right outside our front door. I know pretty much else is blanketed in snow and freezing temperatures. However here in balmy Seattle we had the WARMEST January on record and enjoyed weather in the high 50's and low 60's. We never once hit a freezing temperature. El Nino, I love you! I could have used a little more sun though!
Here is Hayes riding his Diego bike while Madison is at school. He is watching Joe ride off to school on his bike. I think we skipped winter in Seattle this year, and I am not at all sad!


Shawn AND Chelsey said...

Lucky!!! Although, I guess it hasn't been too cold here - but still - we don't have any beautiful flowers yet! :(

Clare said...

remember how it just starting getting about -11 degrees here and there is still 2 feet of snow on the ground... adn the snot in your nose still freezes...jeaouls....

Melissa said...

No way!! Makes me jealous, I've been kind of missing Seattle lately ... we're thinking of heading out there with Jeff this spring for a 6 week rotation.