Saturday, October 27, 2012

2 Months

This little guy is now over 2 months old!  At his doctor's appointment he was 15 lbs. 10 oz. and 25 inches long.  Month 2 was hard.  He had an ear infection and then was diagnosed with acid reflux.  Fortunately, the reflux does not seem to have any impact on his ability to pack on the pounds.  Now that he is being treated for acid reflux he seems to be feeling better.  He smiles and loves it when we sing to him.  Madison and Hayes continue to be such a great help.  He sleeps pretty good at night and finally started sleeping in his crib 2 nights ago!

 Here is a profile shot so that you can see he has been amply blessed with chins.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

He is cute! And so are all of his chins!