Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Galentine's Day

School and life have kept me pretty busy. I will limit my lack of blogging excuses to that.

I started my last semester of grad school a month ago, and it has not slowed down yet! I am definitely starting to feel burned out, so I am glad that the end is in sight. I have a huge chunk of my thesis done, but I decided to wait until I have more time to finish it up, so I will probably officially graduate in December 2012.

School has been especially hard because we are EXPECTING BABY #3! I am hoping the morning sickness dissipates any day now, but it has made school hard! I am convinced it is a girl (we will have to wait until medical technology proves it to see if I am right) so start thinking of girl presidents' names. The due date at this point is August 22, 2012. We are pretty excited!

Hopefully I will keep up with the blog better from this point on, but no guarantees.


Stephanie said...

I'm excited for you...
How about McKinley for a girl...or Quincy...or Reagan.

Or maybe Polk-a.

Shawn AND Chelsey said...

OH MY GOSH!!!! i am so, so excited for you! i am so sorry that you are having morning sickness. that is the worst!! hopefully it won't last 6 months for you, like it did for me :( ... i definitely do not miss that! but now i'm in the 'uncomfortable' stage - sometimes i wonder which is worse!?!
im betting it's a girl, mainly bc everyone i know that is pregnant right now is having a boy, and i don't want to be alone! :) when do you have your gender u/s? can't wait to hear what you are having and the name you choose! congrats! :-)

p.s. please post belly pics!!

Jessie Lewis said...

Wow congratulations! You are brave to tackle grad school and kids and pregnancy, but if anyone can do it, you definitely can! Kennedy would be cute. Or Hoover... I hope you feel better!

Aly said...

Yayayay!!! I am so excited for you guys!!!! You are incredible to handle school and number three! Seriously, I am so happy for you guys. I can't wait to see what this one is going to be like. And it has been WAY too long since we have seen each other. Any ideas on how to fix that? OH! I am coming to Utah/Idaho for a month in June. Wanna play?

Linda said...

Congrats!! I love the name Kennedy!

Clare said...

i am thinking obama, or pro life richardson, or ron paul... do they have to have been presidents? because I know paris did a video for it... i like that... ha ha 'okay congrats

sally said...

So exciting!! I'm am so happy for you.