The time has come for me to leave home...again. I am so sad to leave Boise. I love it here. It is not for everyone, as Joe continually reminds me, but it is for me. I wonder if everyone feels a special connection to the place where they grew up. As I procrastinate the packing I reminisce about all the things that I will miss (listing is my writing forte):
- Mountain biking with my sister Emily in the foothills. I was just getting the hang of it.
- Going to Lucky Peak with the fam for boating, tubing, and waterskiing.
- Girl's Nights with my mom and sisters and friends from the ward.
- Hiking up in the foothills where you can get a great view of the whole city.
- Driving down Warm Spring's Avenue and seeing all the turn-of-the century houses that were the beginnings of a city.
- Going for a run on the canal bank; its nice to not have to always run on the road.
- Taking Madison and Hayes for walks to see the ducks, horses, and chickens.
- Random family nights where we play games, argue about politics, play football in the back yard, or ride scooters in the drive way.
- Living closer to my extended family and having my grandparents over for dinner or having my cousins babysit.
- Running into friends from high school.
- Late night trips to Sonic or rounds of miniature golf.
- Boise State football games.
- Trips up to McCall either for the snow or the sun.
- The Fam.
- The familiar.
At least I can always come back.
I definitely love my hometown, but Casey refuses to live anywhere where the stores close at 8. Good luck with the move. Where are you headed?
i hate moving! but i hope it all goes smoothly for you. there certainly is no place like your childhood home, but i am sure you guys will love it in washington. call me when you get there.
Sad. But at least you won't be too far away that you can't make the drive back to visit. Seattle will be great, lots more to do, but its still never the same as home (for you, as it is my home!).
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