Madison graduate from kindergarten on Friday. Hayes and I went to an award's assembly for her that morning where she was honored with the "Kinesthetic Excellence" award (not totally clear on what this implies). Later we went to her graduation where her class sang some songs and her teacher read aloud the kid's favorite things about kindergarten and what they wanted to be when they grow up. Madison liked field trips and wants to be a swimming instructor. The end of school always makes me so sad (not because I can't handle having the kids home all day...well, that might be part of it) because Madison had such a great experience this year with one of the best teachers and good friends. She is reading now and is awesome at math. Her teacher said that she has far exceeded kindergarten expectations which is really exciting!
Yesterday Joe took the kids shoe shopping while I put some quality thesis research time in and brought Madison home with newly pierced ears. I had no idea they were sneaking off to do that! She got little pink earrings that are her birthstone. She looks cute!