As we are packing up to leave Seattle I am pondering the things that I will miss the most. I have enjoyed the new friends I have made. I love your parks, each one is seriously amazing. I also love all of your restaurants and shopping. And Burke-Gilman Trail we had some good times. But, let's be honest, Metropolitan Market, I will miss you the most!
I will miss the overflowing flowers arranged in color groupings by the door. I will miss the beautiful and glossy produce section that makes vegetables look appetizing. I will miss your glorious deli with my favorite sandwiches and other treats. I will miss your free and exotic cheese samples. Camembert! Aged Cheddar! Gouda! And dessert section, I am starting to well up as I think I leaving you behind. Cookies, pies, cakes, sold in individual portions, calling out to me. You are one minute away from my house and open for a casual visit 24 hours a day. I will miss visiting you every time I forget just one thing for dinner, or have a late-night-craving, or a weird ingredient the other stores don't sell.
I thinks it is time for the MM to branch out and start some stores in Boise.
Love, LauriAnn