All the kids were wearing little caps and gowns and they sang us a couple of songs. The teachers had a video montage of pictures from the school year that was really good. Then the kids graduated and got their certificates. I do not think that there were that many cameras at my high school graduation (500+ grads). These parents and relatives were excited, and as a result I had a hard time seeing most of the program because they were all standing up and taking an obscene amount of pictures. But who can blame them, preschoolers in caps and gowns are pretty cute.
Afterward we had a buffet dinner and not one, but two kinds of cake (for the last week this has been emphasized at our home every day after school, one white, one chocolate). Madison introduced us to her BFFs that we have heard about all year: Mariam, Delisia, Leah, and Yuenah. What a fun night! Kindergarten here we come! Although after ECEAP kindergarten might be anti-climactic.