Five things about Madison:
1. Madison is socially assertive (a euphemism for bossy). It is so funny to hear her out on the playground yelling "Hey Girl" or "Hey Friend do you want to play with me?"
2. She has a hairstyle named for her. She loves to get her hair cut (this appeals to her girly make-up and dress-up nature) and has a specific style called the "Madison," named for her at a salon in Boise this summer because it totally fits her personality.
3. When she gets in trouble and gets a little LauriAnn Lecture she always asks "Mom, are you mean?" I think that she means to ask if I am mad, but it does earn some sympathy points because I don't want to be the mean mom.
4. She is strictly a carnivore. I can't get her to eat fruit or vegetables, but she will eat any kind of meat.
5. Madison vacillates between the desire to be a cheerleader or a doctor when she grows up. She has attended several sporting events with Joe and loves how fun the cheerleaders are. She also knows that Dad is going to be a doctor and goes to college which also sounds appealing to her. Tough decision! I guess we will just have to see how things turn out.