Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Originality and The Screwtape Letters

I just finished reading The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis. It was a fascinating read that really changed my perspective on many things in my life. The Screwtape Letters is a series of letters from one high ranking demon to his lesser demon nephew on how to slowly tempt his subject, a man newly converted to Christianity, away from the church.

In one letter Screwtape writes his nephew on the subject of originality. He informs the demon that humans have a horror of the mundane and safe, and that the church usually falls into that category of routine and sameness. Screwtape urges his nephew to tell his subject that only the original and new is worthy and desirable. I started to think of how many times I have stopped myself from doing something, or been ashamed of liking something that interests someone else because I felt that it showed a lack of originality on my part. I decided that it is all right for me to like things, even if someone else already likes it. Why miss out on a simple pleasure or enjoyment just because it has already been done? Why miss out on something that I love just because a friend has introduced it to me, and it was their interest first?

The Camping Trip from Hell

We met my husband's parents at Wallowa Lake State Park in Oregon for Memorial Day weekend. It was cold...it was rainy...Hayes was sick and would not sleep...I was sick...we ended up leaving early.
Despite the misery the area was beautiful. The mountains were covered with snow. The rivers and creeks were completely full due to the recent rainfall. The deer would walk right through camp and let you approach them. I would have loved this trip at about eighty degrees and no rain!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Getting Started

This past weekend my family and I met some friends in Twin Falls, ID, where we went to Shoshone Falls. It was close to sunset, and very spectacular. I love passing through the canyon walls, seeing where the water has etched through the rock. I read a couple of books over the last few months (Contested Plains by Elliot West, The Worst Hard Time by Timothy Egan, and Riding the White Horse Home by Teresa Jordan) that really describe the human connection with the land. This concept has truly influenced the way I am looking at my present environment. I feel drawn to the open spaces and find myself looking for opportunities to be outside.